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Covid-19 information for international students

What to do if I have symptoms of COVID-19?

If you have symptoms characteristic of COVID-19 such as:  fever, shortness of breath, cough, general fatigue, loss of smell and taste, then:

Contact your doctor (or insurance provider) to schedule an interview at a walk-in clinic or by phone.
We recommend contacting the UNIMEDYK (AMU) clinic by e-mail: (phone:+48 690 442 722 ) or Przychodnia POZ USI-MED by e-mail: (phone:  517 187 243).

1)      To schedule an interview, e-mail the clinic of your choice with the following data:

a.           Your first and last name;

b.           Your Passport/ID number;

c.            Scan of your EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) or other proof of health insurance

d.           Your phone number where you can be reached 24/7.

2)        A COVID-19 test can be ordered by your doctor after a physical exam or phone interview,  in the course of which symptoms of SARS-Cov-2 are confirmed:  fever above 38°C, coughing, shortness of breath, loss of smell and taste.

3)        If your doctor decides you need a COVID test, you will receive an individual test request number by phone with information about the designated collection/swab points (here, scroll down a list of collection/swab points in Poznan [LINK]).

4)        Your doctor will report your suspected SARS-COV-2 infection to the District Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.

5)        You must inform: AND about your condition ASAP.

If you test positive, result (+)

1. Your doctor informs you what to do next. If, in the doctor’s opinion, the course of the disease does not require placing you in a hospital, you will remain in home isolation and under the supervision of your doctor.

2.       If your condition deteriorates, the doctor will direct you to the designated Hospital and the Hospital staff decides whether you should be admitted as a patient, referred to an isolation room or sent back for quarantine at home.

You need to report to the designated hospital’s emergency room on your own.

If your condition makes you unable to reach a collection/swab point on your own, inform your doctor who will arrange a mobile test by an ambulance paramedic team, sent to your location to perform the test on-site.

In case of life-threatening symptoms, you should immediately call the emergency number 999 or 112 and inform the dispatcher that you are in home isolation, so that the paramedics arrive in full anti-COVID-19 gear.

PATH 2:  Personal contact – high risk exposure

Anyone who:

1)      was in direct contact (face-to-face) with the infected person (for any time);

2)      has had close contact with a sick person indoors (conference rooms, waiting rooms, etc.).

at a distance of less than 2 m, for more than 15 minutes;

3)      has had contact on board a plane or on other means of public transport, etc.

is obliged to report this fact to

a)      AMU Erasmus+ Office: (Erasmus+ students)

b)      AMU International Office: (All other international students/visitors)

The Erasmus+ Office/International Office is obliged to inform the Vice-Rector for Human Resources and Development as well as the District Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Poznan about every case of illness or suspected illness without delay.

In addition you should:

1)      prepare a list of people whom you have been in contact with in the last 7 days and e-mail it to the

a)      Erasmus+ students:

b)      Everybody else:

Based on that, the designated employees of the District Sanitary and Epidemiological Station will decide on:

a)      a 10-day quarantine, following the day of contact with the source of infection which ends automatically unless the sanitary inspector decides otherwise;


b)      home isolation – the duration depends on the health condition of the person in question and the decision of the primary care doctor or the doctor providing care for the patient in the hospital or the isolation facility.

PATH 3: Personal contact – low risk exposure

Anyone who has had a contact:

1)      with an infected person more than 2 m away and for less than 15 minutes;

2)      face to face with an already sick person at a distance of more than 2 m for less than 15 min. than 15 minutes;

is obliged to report this fact to

a)      AMU Erasmus+ Office: (Erasmus+ students)

b)      AMU International Office: (All other international students/visitors)

A low-risk person conducts self-observation and monitors possible symptoms and health condition for symptoms of SARS-Cov-2 for at least a 10 day period.  You may return to  normal life routines if all symptoms disappear unless the program coordinator/dean decides otherwise.

What to do if I have symptoms of COVID

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